Lite Brite

by The Philosophical Fish

When we bought the place we currently live in, I was happy to discover that the main bedroom had a small walk-in closet. One day when Kirk and I were at Home Depot picking some things up, I wandered off and through the lighting section.

Shortly thereafter Kirk saw me walking towards him with a small box and a big smile on my face.

Him: “What did you find….?”

Me: “Every walk-in closet needs a crystal chandelier! Doesn’t it? I think it does! I like it! I want it!

And so we have a delightfully cute little crystal chandelier in our little walk-in closet ☺️

This is what it looks like when one stands directly underneath it and takes a photo up into the centre.

The only irritant is that I didn’t “quite” get it centred…

Sure, I could have gone upstairs again to take another photo….but I ran today and I don’t feel like walking up the stairs…again.

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