Mental Madness

by The Philosophical Fish

These puzzles are the WORST!


Try doing this without a picture to go by!

Why no picture?

Because that’s their ‘thing’; the company is called Wasgij ….Jigsaw…but backwards…in more ways than one.

The image on the box is a clue…but what you are puzzling is what someone in the image is looking at…or what happens next… so what you end up with is nothing like the box picture…and trust me…this was nothing like what was on the box.

This one was particularly challenging, we had evenings where we were lucky to get 20 pieces placed, and now I’m passing on the mental madness to a co-worker.

I intended to give it to him a week ago because, when I bought it, I naïvely thought we’d have it done for Chinese New Year and then I’d be able to give it to he and his family for entertainment during their celebration.

I will be passing the madness on, but it’s post-Chinese New Year now. And I’m looking forward to hearing if he and his family obsess over it the way we did, and how long it takes them.

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