I was looking back through my Flickr account and wondered what my first photo on the site was. Turns out that when I started on the social platform I was posting mostly older images. The very first photo I uploaded was on March 5th 2008 but the photo was taken much earlier. It would have been a scan looking at it, and given that the first few photos share a theme, our crazy character of our Tonkinese (Tiko), I’m guessing I started on Flickr shortly after we lost him. The photo has a ‘taken’ date of July 16, 2006, which is two weeks after we heartbrokenly said goodbye to him. It would have been a scan of a film photo because the picture was taken in the middle of winter not he back deck of the house I grew up in, and I’m wearing an orange coat that I remember buying when I still worked at the hair salon….so I’m guessing it was taken relatively in the 1990’s. We only took Tiko to Prince George for Christmas once…he pretty much destroyed the wicker carrier we had for him and we had to buy a solid plastic one with a metal door in order to get him back home in the car. I recall that trip being quite an adventure.
But I was curious…what was the first digital photo that took a then uploaded to the platform.
If I have done my sleuthing properly, it would be this photo, taken in September of 2001, taken on a Canon Powershot S300 Digital Elph. An astounding 2.1 Megapixels. Processed into a black and white format….probably in one of the very early versions of Adobe Photoshop.

What made me smile is that I titled it “Looking Backwards While Moving Forward” …and here I am looking backwards through my old photos while time ticks forward and I try to stay inspired with the amazingly advanced camera equipment I have today compared to then.
It’s not about the camera, it’s what you choose to do with it. The hard part is sometimes that the longer I take photos the more I feel like I’m running out of things to take images of, or that I are repeating things.
Creative block?
Anyway, today is a ‘be kind to myself’ day and so, particularly after stumbling on this photo with that title…I’m just sharing an old image that (kind of) started it all on Flickr.
11,745 photos and 16 years (!!!) on Flickr later….and I am coming full circle and posting the (kind of) first one.