Yesterday morning I was poking around on and saw something fun on sale. A cute little Book Nook Book Store, modelled after Shakespeare’s Bookstore, in France. I’d seen images online of people’s personal libraries with similar little 3D scenes slipped between the books.
I showed Kirk, and said “I want one, except it means that I have to remove a couple of books.”
I decided to order it for pick up, and I received an email a few hours later saying it had been put aside for me and I could pick it up in store when I was able to come by.
We went out and ran a few errands, one of which was stopping into the store at Park Royal to pick up my order of the Book Nook shelf insert and a book I’d also wanted.
At home, I put it aside to open later.
This morning was later….and when I poured myself a coffee and picked it up to open it, I noticed something I’d overlooked before.
On the box it said “194 pieces”.
Wait, what?!?
And a 38 page book of assembly instructions?

Looking back at the listing on Indigo…if I’d read one more line I’d have noticed….“Feature-packed Adult Craft Kit – In addition to easy-to-assemble wooden inserts and book stand dividers, the 3d wooden puzzle bookend also includes touch-sensitive lighting.”
Oh shit…really? I have to build it myself?!?!
And building it requires things like forceps because some pieces are so damned small you can’t use your fingers because they are too…big. Even the teeny tiny little ink bottle came in two pieces……you had to actually put the cap on it! Like they could make that thing in one piece?!?
OK then…..I guess I have a cold and might as well amuse myself with something distracting.
I got part way through then took a few hours away to do some baking, before diving back into it.
And then it was back to the challenge.
Even the potted plants had to be assembled from little pots and a larger peice of plastic plant that had to be cut apart and stuffed into the teeny little pots well enough that they wouldn’t pop out.
In the end it probably took about five or six hours to build. And a lot of ‘f-bombs’.
But it’s pretty darned cute!