Canadians have a tendency to call things by their brand names….like cotton swabs.
We say Kleenex, not tissue, regardless of if we buy Scotties or Kirkland.
We say Bandaid and not bandage, even if it’s an Elastoplast. Let’s be serious, what sounds better “Do you have a bandaid?” of “Do you have an Elastoplast?” One is going to get you something to stop the bleeding…not sure what the other would get you….
We often say Jacuzzi instead of hot tub.
We use Crock-pots more often than slow cookers.
We play more Ping-Pong than table tennis.
And we like Chapstick rather than lip balm.
We write on things with Sharpies rather than permanent markers.
And we use Scotch tape instead of…just…well…any other kind of tape.
We store food in Tupperware rather than plastic food containers.
And we use Velcro rather than hook and loop fasteners.
We use Wite-out rather than correction fluid.
And we jot things down on Post-its instead of sticky notes.
We say Styrofoam instead of expanded polystyrene.
I’m sure there are more.
Clearly these are not Q-tips because they have wooden sticks instead of plastic….which is also why we don’t buy Q-tips anymore, although I understand that they do still have (or have returned to having) ones with paper sticks.
They live in a little antique glass that was a random treasure I brought home when Granny’s home was cleaned out for sale.