Almost done, with only a couple of mishaps…like those two jars of tomato sauce, on the third from the bottom shelf, that siphoned on me because I pushed the pressure canner to vent when I shouldn’t have, but they did still seal. We’ll use those up in the next week or two.
I should have only had the Ginger Carrot Shredded Pickles and some Plum Jam to do today, but I popped into Costco (why was it so busy on a Wednesday mid-day!?!?) and picked up three pineapples so canned two of them since I’d already used two of the jars I canned last week.
I also grabbed some frozen raspberries to make a few little jars of Raspberry Chipotle Sauce for brushing on chicken on the BBQ. I haven’t made that for a few years and it’s so fabulous! I was looking for some eye of round to make jerky in the dehydrator, but they didn’t have any.
I stopped into Persia Foods on the way home, for some tomato paste, and came out with a pound of red apricots (haven’t had those before), a couple of pounds of yellow plums, and a mini watermelon…so I ended up making two little jars of Red Apricot Jam (YUM!), sliced up the plums and tossed them in the dehydrator with the Italian plums leftover from the Plum Jam, and then sliced the watermelon into thin pieces, sprinkled them with sea salt, and popped those into the dehydrator to make watermelon candy.
And…since I have too many lemons and clementine oranges in the fridge, and room in the dehydrator, I sliced up a couple of each and spread those on a couple of trays in the dehydrator as well.
I still have chicken stock to do, but that can wait until another week, and a couple of little put up jobs for Christmas, but those can wait for a few weeks too.
I seem to be pretty much out of shelf space, but I still have some jars left over, which means I am not done….though I think I’m probably done for a few weeks 🙃