Fun facts about starfish…..they can regenerate….the crafty creatures aren’t bothered much if they are unfortunate to lose a limb…they just regrow it. Sure, it can take a year…but what a skill. I’d love to have new knees!
Another fun fact…they turn themselves inside out to eat. Starfish like to eat shellfish…things like clams and mussels. You know, things that are slower than they are, which isn’t a lot of things. But when they do “run” down their prey, they glom on with teeny tiny little suction cups and don’t let go. Then, in something worthy of any horror film, their stomachs exit their mouth and drapes around the thing they’ve cornered and attached themselves to, and the digestive enzymes spill out and over the hapless creature in their grasp and starts to digest it. When satiated, they suck their stomach back in!
Can you imagine that scene at a restaurant?
I love love love the stories of sea stars! Thank you for sharing it here in your fabulous blog!!!
Awww, thanks 🙂