There are so many interesting art installations around Vancouver, this one spins and glints above you, the other (farther below), has been around for years, but both seemed like metaphors for some things that I am feeling today.
Really not a great image, but I took a quick walk from the office down to the seaplane terminal to speak with customer service about something, and it caught my eye. I could have called. I almost did call. But it’s a beautiful day and I am terrible at stepping away from my desk when I am at the downtown office … oh who am I kidding, I’m equally bad at stepping away when I’m at the hatchery office..I eat lunch at my desk almost every day and the people I work with do point that out sometimes…one did hint that it was a lovely day to go outside……. so I grabbed the opportunity to step away for a rare change and catch a little bit of air and sunshine to go and sort something out with the airline.
But it’s not a complaint on my part.
We all have days where we feel like this…..all wheels spinning and going nowhere quickly…if at all.
If there is one thing I’ve come to realize in the past year or so, it’s that everyone is feeling like they are on a hamster wheel of some sort, in some aspect of their life.
People are exhausted, fed up, burnt out.
And we are all dealing with people in some corner of our world that are acting selfish, entitled, and/or petty about things that really don’t matter, while others are quietly coping with mental and emotional challenges of a monumental magnitude.

The work feels pixelated in some ways. We’ve over-magnified things that don’t deserve weight and blown them into personal affronts, and we’ve lost sight of the things that really do matter.
Compassion for each other is really so easy, and it is also so important.
Day 193