Bees I leave alone.
Wasps I leave alone if they keep their distance, but when a hive is being built underneath my wind chimes and within a few steps of the patio door, sorry dudes, you’re being demolished before your construction plans get too far along.

I might not have noticed it for awhile if not for the fact that I think they chewed the string for the wooden thing that hangs between the long copper chime tubes (does that thing have a proper name?). I found that unnamed thing on the ground, looked up under the chimes and was like “Oh no you don’t! Nipping this in the bud right now“
I left the nest there for a week after spraying it, before finally pulling the chimes down today to see if I could repair things so they will chime again. When I pulled the nest off I had the opportunity to (safely) see what the inside looks like.

Pretty amazing architecture from such small animals. They are typically treated as pests, but they do have important functions and, though I feel badly for destroying the nest, I still admire their building skills.
The one photo makes it look a little like a macaron……bit of a dangerous thing to bite into tho’ …also kinda reminds me of a Death Star.
Day 188