I’ve wanted a full frame digital camera ever since they came out but just couldn’t justify the price when my D500 is a really amazing camera. But I saw one on Craig’s List recently, and missed it by a day, and started thinking more about them again. My Lensbaby lenses really are made to work on a full frame sensor; they work fine on a DX body, but they yearn for an Fx one.
So I started watching eBAY.
I found a few, but most had really high shutter activation counts.
One or two were low, but they were bidding above what I wanted to pay.
I missed a few because I squirrelled and missed the end of bidding while I was working.
Finally I found one that wasn’t getting a lot of attention and I waited for the last 60 seconds of the auction to make a bid…..and won it for a price I was willing to pay.
It arrived today and I got excited!
We picked it up and then took it home before heading out for some errands.
While we were out I took about 30 or 40 shots on my Lumix LX-10. Some fun seagull-on-a-light-post photos, some street shots, and some random shots that made me smile.
When we got back home I unboxed the new-to-me-but-used-by-someone-else camera, flipped the battery into a charger, and went digging for a memory card.
I did a little card shuffle…pulled a 32GB card from a drawer and dropped it into the Olympus Tough.
Pulled the 128GB from the Olympus Tough and dropped it into the Lumix LX-10.
Pulled the 265 GB card from the Lumix LX-10 and dropped it into the Nikon D810.
Formatted the card in the D810 to ensure compatibility.
You see the issue here…right?
I missed a step.
I didn’t pull today’s images off the 256 GB card from the Lumix before I formatted it in the D810.
All of today’s images went off into the digital ether.
Oh well, here you go…a quick shot off the iPhone.
And that’s what happens when I get excited about a new toy.
I’m a dork.