Every day that I go into the office, this slice of cheese is still sitting there …. I’d love to know how long it’s been there….it’s been a very long time…like a few months at least I think, maybe more.
The scary part is that it appears just fine….like any fresh and new cheese slice you would expect to see taken out of an unopened package from the grocery store…not that I’ve ingested one in several decades, but it looks just like how I remember them from when I last ingested one intentionally.
I don’t really know ‘why’ I took this photo today, other than it amused me…..I went back to my office to get my phone and take this image, and all I kept thinking was “Please don’t let anyone come into the lunchroom while I am taking this photo, because I’m not entirely sure how to explain it…..”
It just amuses me.
I wonder how long it will remain there.