We got away around 7:30am, after a coffee, some breakfast, and packing a couple of sandwiches. It was an easy getaway since everything was already largely packed, and everything didn’t really involve much, unless you count two motorcycles.
We rechecked all the straps and tried our hardest to bounce the bikes around. They were solid. They would be fine. But we still intended to stop often, and particularly after the windy stretches of toad, to check that they hadn’t shifted.
Originally we’d intended to ride up to Kootenay lake and take the ferry across, ride through Kaslo and New Denver, stay just past Nakusp in a campground. The next day we were to ride down through Needles and Lumby and out at Vernon, then around the backside of Okanagan Lake before heading don to Merritt for the second night. Sunday would have been an easy few hours and we’d have come in along Lougheed rather than the freeway.
But that was the bike trip.
We could do the truck in a day where 900km is just way too much for a day on the motorcycles. Maybe if we were 20 years younger, but even then it wouldn’t have been fun.
Instead, we’d decided to do the southern route and follow the border home. Creston, Salmon Castlegar, Christina Lake, Grand Forks, Greenwood, Osoyoos, Princeton, Manning Park, Hope, Chilliwack…..and the long boring freeway home.
We stopped a few times to grab a coffee and fuel up (Creston), stretch (Lost Creek), stretch again (Christina Lake), eat lunch (Midway), refuel (Osoyoos), check the bikes (everywhere)….and then we found a winery that was new to us!
What an excellent break that was. Our hostess was a Kiwi and a rider. Her first bike was an SV650 (MINE TOO!!) and she has a Triumph (KIRK TOO!!!). We swapped stories of breakdowns and tried some delicious wine. The air conditioned tasting room was a gift after so many hours.
And then it was back in the truck for the final push to the coast.
Ironically, the worst road we travelled was from Hope to Chilliwack. What happened to that road! It was rough and jarring….and it was a jolt to be back in the heavy traffic of the Lower Mainland again.

So the trip was not what it was supposed to have been, but it was still an excellent trip. There were some epic side roads, some beautiful scenery, some very interesting people, some kind hearted and compassionate strangers, some family fun, and some very excellent friends.
At the end of the day, all bikes stayed upright….no one slid on the pavement, and everyone came home safely.
I call that a successful vacation.
Oh, and Hans gifted me with a “Prince George Vintage Motorcycle Club” sticker for having broken down on the trip.
Below is the entire trip that Kirk and I travelled, Hans’ last leg differed as he went north to Prince George. Although we were not “on” the bikes the entire way, the bikes did travel the route entirely.
Maybe I’ll go eat a Snickers now.