While Gizmo was in at the vet for a recheck, we had an hour or so to kill and so wandered down to Indigo Books a few blocks away. He’s feisty today, we have been optimistic and felt that it was a good sign.
While I was perusing the magazines I heard a weird sound and looked up to see a few pigeons ‘tap-tap-tapping’ across the glass ceiling above. It gave me a smile, though I was getting a few odd looks while I was snapping some photos with my iPhone from below.
On the upside of today, Gizmo’s weight is creeping back up (hand feeding a high calorie diet three times a day), and his vet was feeling quite good about him after his second recheck this week after coming home from a ten day stint in emergency. So she also thought he was having a good day.
The other good news is that he is down from meds three times per day to twice daily…which means I don’t have to work from home constantly anymore; I can go back to working from the hatchery a couple of times away, and also to the downtown office a couple of days a week. Still no overnight trips, and not sure when that will be possible again.
He’s not out of the woods, and never will be given a half dozen medications twice daily, but he seems to be stabilizing for now…which is a gift because we didn’t think he’d be coming home.