Gizmo is home, and he seems happy to be home. But he has quite the complicated and overwhelming schedule for his medicine and care.
Six different drugs: four are every 12 hours, one is every eight hours, and one is twice a week.
He also needs to stay hydrated and keep weight on and energy up, so twice a day he gets 5mL of warm applesauce with a bit of honey, in a 3cc syringe.
It’s good thing he’s been getting medicine for several years via syringe, and that they have been sweet, so he takes all of these quite willingly.
But it still feels like a lot.
And it makes things complicated from a work perspective. That three times a day one means that I have to find a mid-afternoon spot so I guess I will be working from home, or the hatchery since it’s only a 20 minute walk each way from home, for a bit since I can’t get home easily from downtown. Or…if I do go downtown, I will have to go in a little later since it adds time in the morning to care for him, and I’ll have to leave early, so will work in the evenings a bit to make up the difference.
Luckily the mid-day medicine os (hopefully) only for a limited time…two weeks I think…or maybe a month.
I’m not sure about overnight trips though, at least not for awhile.
But he IS home, and he does seem content.
So we keep on keeping on……