There is no denying that we are in a completely different place than we were exactly one year ago. The world was collectively holding its breath regarding what happens next.
Well, to be fair there were some…ok ..a lot.. of people who were doing anything BUT hold their breath. There were far too many yelling “Hoax”, “Plandemic”, “Tyranny”, “Think for yourself”, and just generally acting like spoiled little children. Sadly, many of them still are.
Meanwhile, the rest of us were wondering what the world was going to look like in the weeks and months ahead. We were wondering how long this would take to pass through and what the other side was going to hold. And maybe we would have been in a better position if the above mentioned idiots hadn’t continued to declare their right to spread disease when and how they pleased. And we saw (and are still seeing) some spectacular displays of such idiocy.
Friendships have been strained, or outright broken. Fights have erupted. People yelled at each other for wearing a mask to protect others, called others names like “sheeple”. People twisted logic, cherry-picked data, took and shared things out of context.
The knowledge evolved…many people devolved.
We have all witnessed poor judgement, callousness, self entitlement, and toxic individuality. We have not come as far as we had hoped we had as far as a caring and inclusive society is concerned.
So much of what we have seen is derived from fear. Ironically, the very people calling the socially conscious “living in fear” are themselves the ones who feel that they have lost a sense of control and it terrifies them. The worst behaviour we see is not strength of character, it is basic fear that the ground they stand on is not as solid and reliable as once thought. We all feel that fear. Happily, the vast majority of the population around the world puts trust in the collective drive to overcome and have a better tomorrow, one that includes a vaccine against this virus, and hopefully makes us reassess the things in life that are truly important.
But…if one doesn’t have an awareness of what is broken, one can’t address it or try to figure out how to fix it.
There are blue skies ahead, but we also have a collective responsibility in making sure that everyone has an opportunity to share them equally. We need to reduce our “me first” attitudes and think of everyone, because when everyone has what they need, we all do better as a society.
This is my hope; that all the ugliness that reared its head can help us build a better tomorrow.