I’m an on-again and off-again journal user. This is a stack of the ones I currently have in use. Different books for different purposes, each within its own well handled leather cover that moves to the new book when the current one is completed.
The bottom on is work related. Important meeting notes originally scribbled in my reMarkable tablet but important enough to transcribe across onto paper. Notes from journal articles that are of relevance to some topic or another. That sort of content.
The orange one is my personal musings. Odds and ends I think about. A place to get rid of frustrations. Quotes and printed memes taped and glued within. It’s a random mash or my brain at any given moment. Happy. Sad. Mad. It’s all in there.
The second from the top is my little book of knowledge, the place I record notes and tape bits of information about fish and fish culture. It’s my little personal encyclopaedia. I’ve always had a book of knowledge for any field I’ve worked in.
And the top one is my travel notebook…notice that it has two new little books desperately waiting for the strokes of a pen. Not much to record this year.
Yes, I write here online, a lot….but there are things that I will never write here, that I could never write here.