I have three lion’s head maples and each is in a completely differeent stage of change. Each is also in a different location around the house, and those locational differences clearly have an impact on the leaf change due to their varying exposures.
This one is the first to change, and it’s in the perfect place to watch; in a large pot right outside the dining room window and in my visual range while I work from home.
The second one is also potted and sits outside the front door where it goes a little less well noticed.
The third and final one to put on its golden display is in the courtyard, also in my view from my desk.
It’s kinda neat to be able to see them move along in their annual sequence; they are gorgeous when they change and are interesting all year round.
Time has been the strangest blur the past eight months, in a comforting way, the changing of the leaves is at least a slow and somewhat measurable way to appreciate time’s passage.

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