Garlic wasn’t really a seasoning while I was growing up … unless you counted garlic bread with butter and processed garlic salt those times when we had lasagna or spaghetti. Outside of that, garlic was a mystery to me.
And then I moved out on my own and discovered what real garlic was. And I never looked back. It’s rare that a meal doesn’t have some garlic somewhere, and this garlic, Russian red garlic, became a house favourite a few years ago when I bought a few heads during a stop at a farmers stand on the way back from some work at the Cultus Lake Lab.
Now I wait eagerly for it to arrive and swoop in to buy $30 – $40 of it to last us a while. And then we laugh when a recipe calls for one or two cloves, because each clove off one of these babies is equivalent to three or four of those little white garlic cloves. But a heck of a lot tastier.
Mmmmmm….garlic… favourite season.