I do not understand this thinking.
I didn’t watch the debate last night, I only caught the last few minutes. But I liked the question posed by a girl who asked about the fighting in politics and what message it sends to youth.
We don’t seem to be very good, as a society, anymore at having a discussion on topics where we don’t see eye to eye. Too often it descends into something along the lines of “If you don’t agree with me then you must be an idiot”.
And I do not understand that way of processing information.
Isn’t it more interesting to understand “what” others think and “why” they think that way?
Maybe if we listen more and ask more questions we can learn to understand each other a little bit better and judge a little bit less. We all have fears and concerns, biases and preconceived notions, and if we make a bit of an effort to understand these in others, maybe we can put different opinions into context and see the world for the amazing rainbow spectrum of thoughts and ideas that it encompasses instead of landing only on black or white.
There is always more than one way in life.