I miss impromptu hang-outs.
Someone I used to work directly with suggested a virtual glass of cheer after work today. We originally set it up for a few weeks ago but then I had to bail for work reasons, I don’t remember why. It’s usually she who bails on things; it was unusual for it to be me this time.
But everything comes around.
She was great and set another date, and neither one of us bailed, which is some sort of amazing miracle. I appreciate very much that she made the effort to reschedule.
It’s easy to let things slide.
I’ve done it too much lately. I feel like I kind of suck at connections lately…more so than usual.
I just sort of feel like I suck at a lot these days.
Two and a half hours later we both had to go for biologically relevant reasons and we called it a day.
But I realized how much I miss her and our unscheduled meetings over a beer when I missed a ferry (sometimes…ok…frequently….intentionally). We didn’t start out great, but we found a balance and, in the process, a connection that probably neither of us expected. I didn’t anyway. Historically I avoided mixing work and friendship. That changed somewhere along the line.
And I realize how much I miss a number of other people that are equally important in my life.
When I walked out in the yard afterwards I looked at our Muskoka chairs in the back of the yard and thought, “…what I wouldn’t give to have any number of friends over to just hang out and talk….about anything…“
Yes, we talked about work, and people, and programs, and how screwed up any and all of them are, and what we could do to improve things…but it was also just nice to let a conversation organically go where it may, each of us occasionally squirrelling on whatever topic was at hand.
I am going out in the field next week…she had a moment of “…what day….” followed by “….never mind, I guess I can’t just drop in…can I?”
No 🙁
….there are some other people I need to make more of an effort to touch base with….
There are some people I really miss…..
I am struggling.
This will end, eventually.
…and so it goes…..
When this is all over…seriously…if you are in my neighbourhood…just knock on the door and let’s hang out in the chairs and talk…about anything at all….or nothing at all. It really doesn’t matter whether there are words or not.