Not nearly as bad as earlier, and the fires to the south of us have reduced a bit as a result of the heavy rains recently. But it was enough to give us a bit of a “ball-of-fire” show at the end of our walk this evening.
We fell off of our walks a couple of months ago and we are trying to get back into the habit again. It’s fun to look at the walking tracks in Viewranger and see where we have been over the past months.
And yet, for everywhere we have walked and hiked, we are still finding new (to us) side trails that we haven’t set foot on as yet, new neighbourhood art installations, new patches of garden, and new people to say hello to.
I suppose it just goes to show what a fabulous blend of neighbourhood and trails and forest and creeks and rivers we live in the middle of 🙂
Under normal circumstances we are appreciative that we live where we do, but this year we are even more so.