There are certain things that just go together. I don’t know why, but they do.
Like milk & cookies.
And as much as I love homemade cookies, every so often I have a craving for a childhood pairing of Dad’s oatmeal chocolate chip cookies and a glass of cold milk to dunk them into.
When I was little, it took me a long time to eat a couple of Dad’s oatmeal chocolate chip cookies with a glass of milk.
There was a process.
And no other brand of cookie would do. No other cookies ever really stood up to the process or gave the same level of satisfaction.
Each cookie had to be partially dipped into the milk, no farther than about ⅓ of the cookie could be submerged. Then the milk was sucked out of that portion of the cookie, before being bitten off the rest of the cookie. At that point it largely dissolved into a paste of oatmeal and chocolate chips.
Then the cookie was turned and the process repeated.
It was messy and, arguably, a little bit of an unorthodox and uncivilized way to eat a cookie.
OK, I admit it….if I’m alone and have succumbed to a Dad’s cookie craving, and it’s been many years since I’ve succumbed….I still do this.
Perfect pairings are worth savouring.