Most of what we think we need we don’t really need, we just want. We want a lot, we need very little, relative to what we want.
The trick is to want what you need and need what you want.
Fast fashion is killing aquatic ecosystems, one pair of jeans at a time; the environmental cost of the fashion industry is devastating, and devastatingly out of the public view.
Two years ago we went to a screening of River Blue and, although I knew the fashion industry was problematic, I didn’t realize just how toxic it was to the planet. I admit that I started thinking a great deal more about what I buy, how much I buy, and the quality and manufacturing of what I buy. I have Scottish blood in me so I already thought about longevity in what I purchase, but I put even more emphasis on that now.
I don’t mind paying more for something better that lasts longer and has more timelessness to it. I try to buy pieces that can be layered throughout the year, don’t go out of style quickly (if at all), and, yes…the vast majority is black, so everything goes with everything.
I strongly urge you to watch River Blue and think about your own purchasing.
River Blue –
Nothing is simple though and we are often bombarded with false “facts” and misleading statistics. It’s worth doing some digging into the topic, but the bottom line, regardless, is that we probably need less than we buy.