Snow days mean different things to different people. I can’t actually think of a day I’ve ever taken off for snow, even when UBC was closed during heavy snow I still had to get out there every day because I had experimental animals to care for. Growing up there was no such thing as a snow day, there was just a slower walk to school, punctuated by snowballs and face washes.
But given the choice between working from the downtown office or the office at the hatchery, I opt for the hatchery on a day like today. The forest and river are so much more magical to look out at than is the concrete and glass forest of downtown.
And, on a day when I am filled with irritation at communication failures, at least when I look out the window the snow gives me something to smile about.
I can breathe deeply and find a sense of calm, and I can keep the swearing to a minimum, when the world outside the window looks like this.
119 Photos in 2019 – 38. Enchanting
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119 pictures in 2019
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119 pictures in 2019
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119 pictures in 2019