I have simply never acquired a taste for black coffee. I love the smell of coffee, I love the ritual of making a cup of coffee, and I can’t imagine a morning without coffee.
But I also find it bitter without cream to smooth it out and a bit of honey to take away the bitterness.
Good morning.
Good morning! I never had coffee before moving to AK. Here, the first thing someone hands you is a cup of coffee. Especially in the winter. Cream is great, half and half is good and milk is fine. All seem to cut the bitterness. In Singapore, sweet condensed canned milk seems to be the norm and is a nice, caramel flavor.
I never really enjoyed coffee until past my first few years of college. I was a tea drinker originally… but coffee took over at some point shortly into my academic career. It’s funny that you differentiate cream from half and half, because in most parts of Canada, half and half “is” cream. 🙂
Merry Christmas to you Richard! And all the best for a Safe and Happy New Year. Rubber Side Down 😉