This entire weekend was spent on a marathon of marking, I barely got off the computer or off the couch.
Thirty two term papers to get through, and thirty two final exams.
I got through the term papers at last, and thought I had another full day to work on the exams, until I realized tomorrow is Monday, not Sunday, I lost a day in all of it. I didn’t have a weekend at all. But I got through them, and that was a major hurdle.
But it wasn’t without amusement and some new nuggets for my collection of amusing things I’ve gleaned from marking over the years. (
Now, to slog through 32 final exams over the next few evenings and hopefully call it a term.
Meanwhile, the cats snuggle up to the warmth of the fireplace, mesmerized by the heat and the flickering flames.
Probably better than stripping, sanding, staining, sanding, staining…. cabinets.
Not really, because at the end of your marathon you have something fabulous to show for it. At the end of mine I’m just left shaking my head at the poor critical thinking skills of the next generation.
Fabulous remains to be seen…