November 15, 2016 – This probably adds credence to my being a fish nerd. Sometimes people give me gifts that are fish related, sometimes I buy things that are fish related, and sometimes, as in the case of this (and the rest of the set of) wine glass charms, I fight to get fish related items.
This little gem (and its mates) came from a Christmas party a couple of years ago at which the game is played such that you may choose a gift from under the tree, or steal one that someone else has opened. If someone steals your gift, then you may steal from another, but you can’t steal back from the person who stole from you.
I think I stole these things about three times before I finally kept them.
And since Kirk seems to think I steal his wine….one is always firmly placed on my wine glass by him.
Busy day, long drive, family member in town, pub night with boating friends… this is all I could manage, but I still like it.
116 Photos in 2016 – 84. Knick Knack or Trinket
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It’s rather nice
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116 pictures in 2016
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What a cute little fishy.
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116 pictures in 2016
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