October 3, 2016 – I love the way the boggy areas turn such warm vibrant hues when fall arrives. The greens fade and leave shades of gold behind. The tannin filled water reflect it all back and make the scene twice as spectacular.
Today was a travel day. Up early for the ferry to the Island, followed by a drive north to Campbell River before turning west and heading past Gold River, but not quite as far as Tahsis. Conuma River was today’s destination, the weather was a bit of everything – sun, cloud, rain – the clouds make the fall golden colours pop.
This little boggy spot at the side of the road caused me to stop and pull a u-turn to come back to for a few photos. It was just such a serene little place and the skeletal remains of drowned trees seemed like sentinels, guarding the tannin filled waters and the secrets hiding within.
It seemed like a special spot.
There were other fabulous splotches of fall along the way…. like this lovely little path into the forest, where delightful tiny treasures lurked on the decaying old fallen trees….
Sometimes the drives to the more remote sites I visit seem like they will be tedious, and sometimes they really are, but then other times, if I remember to make the effort to stop and stretch along the way, my camera finds wonderful little spots to capture.
116 Photos in 2016 – 102. Earth Colours
Love the mushroom photo…the light is magical.
Cloudy fall days are perfect for interesting light.