August 17, 2016 – Not that hungry this evening, wasn’t feeling well today, definitely didn’t want anything heavy and meat didn’t appeal.
So I went out to the garden to see what I could find, and came back with a pretty good haul that made a great base for a vegetarian dinner this evening.
Fresh parsley, basil, green beans, four kinds of lettuces, two kinds of kale, Swiss Chard, and a pair of lemon cucumbers. All of this for a few moments of picking.
From the fridge, a bunch of asparagus, a fennel bulb, a chunk of kohlrabi, the kernels from a cob of corn, a handful of sugar peas, and a handful of radishes.
And from upstairs on the deck, a handful of fresh picked cherry tomatoes.
A fresh vinaigrette and a loaf of fresh bread and I see a fabulous and tummy friendly dinner in our immediate future, containing in excess of 16 different herbs and vegetables.
I absolutely LOVE having a place to grow veggies, and though there are still some things I’m not having success with, I’m figuring out what does grow well here and capitalizing on it.
Dinner time.
116 Photos in 2016 – 80. Five a Day (five different fruit / veg)
Yum! We had kale quinoa salad last night.
Seen in
116 pictures in 2016