August 4, 2016 – Couldn’t resist a day like this when the bikes are calling out from the garage saying “…..riiiiiiide, you must riiiiide….”
So who were we to resist?
We haven’t ridden as much as we intended this week off, there are a variety of reasons, but int he end as long as we get out together life is grand.
And as long as we come home safely, then life is perfect!
Just a fun jaunt to Squamish for a coffee, then lunch in Whistler. That was followed by a buzz up to Green Lake for a reconnaissance mission to figure out where to drop the kayaks in for a paddle in the days ahead.
We plan to pop the kayaks on the roof of the truck, and the bicycles in the back. We will drop the bicycles off at the bottom end and drive up, drop the boats in the water at the top end, and leave the truck there, Then we will paddle the afternoon away and when we hit the end of the creek, we will tie off the kayaks and ride the bicycles back to get the truck and bring the whole lot back down.
I’m sure we will be tired, but it will be an awesome day.
In the meantime…we ride the big bikes and enjoy what they have to offer today.
The toughest part about toys is deciding which ones to play with, but as long as we are out playing together, everything is fabulous 🙂
I know those bikes!
They’re ridden by some of my favourite people.
Awwww…. And they miss riding with you!
Hahaha the stalkers on the North Shore Its so nice always running into you guys on the road!
Ahhh, but I had a different bike when I stalked you….and so did you 😀
Kayaks?? Did Kirk finally get one?
Not an ocean one, but we have pair of 9′ kayaks down at the boat, we bought them years ago for gunk-holing around the bays. We will just go grab those, better for a creek too.
They also added this photo to their favourites
And when I had whited out the licence plate numbers they just looked so…distracting…so I thought they needed a little something on them 🙂