July 25, 2016 – Because …….everyone needs a Minion USB stick.
Or at least I apparently did….
I just went to Staples for an SD card and a cable….I refused to pay $39 for the cable, but I did come home with a new USB stick (that I really didn’t need) and which cost me $16 (that I didn’t need to spend!).
But really, how could I not?
He makes me smile and made my afternoon a sunnier place 🙂
Stuart will join my Stormtrooper, my Nikon Camera, my Smurfette, my fishing lure, and whatever other quirky and unusual USB drives I have collected over the years.
Now the question is, will I go back and add Kevin and Dave to keep Stuart company….
116 Photos in 2016 – 77. Quirky / Unusual
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116 pictures in 2016
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116 pictures in 2016
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116 pictures in 2016