December 18, 2015 – Just a visit to the dentist for a root canal….oh what fun :-/
Really, a root canal is no big deal though.
But I have to laugh that in the making of this photo I rearranged all of the tools and syringes so they were more nicely aligned for a photo. I mean….really, the tools were all jumbled together and the syringes were not aligned perfectly before the operation.
In addition to a shot, I made sure that all the tools were nicely aligned and easy to choose so that my root canal would go that much more smoothly.
They left me alone in the room….I saw an opportunity. And there you go…anything for a daily photo 🙂
Jeez, getting a root canal just to setup for a picture! That’s commitment to your art!
Ha, ha, ha, I love that you rearranged all the tools! Hope you’re not too sore.
Just a little tender, no big deal.