December 17, 2015 – Today was my last day of work for a bit. I usually book a week or so off at Christmas, this year I initially took two weeks, but then got a digital tap on the shoulder reminding me that I’m sitting on too many vacation days that I’ve carried over unused from the previous two years, that I’m over my limit, and asking me how I will reduce the hours before March 31 so as to not initiate the automatic payout.
So I took a third week off.
I need it anyway. I’m tired and worn out from this fall season. All the stress over Loki and all his tests and the unknowns, work travel, losing Dad, more work travel, a chest cold that provided days of endless coughing, experiencing a tooth infection, more work travel, a sinus cold that wouldn’t let go, travel south to a conference for a week, followed immediately by travel north to Bella Bella to teach a week long workshop, and more Loki woes this past week, rounding out with a root canal scheduled for tomorrow.
Yes, a longer break was in order.
But not before an afternoon of fun to wind up the week and the year.
A group from my office took a couple of hours this afternoon to head up to the Commodore Bowling Lanes and engage in a little competition. None of us play well, and that makes it even more fun. I love the old computer equipment, though it was helpful because none of us could remember how to keep score.
I grew up on 5-pin bowling, but I sucked at it. I haven’t gotten any better in all those years that I haven’t played it, though it’s still good for some laughs. I like 10-pin better…I’m more likely to actually hit something, particularly on the second ball, in 5-pin I have a habit of having my ball sucked into the black hole where a pin used to stand!