December 15, 2015 – We finally got the tree set up the other night, too much travelling, too many other things on the go, much later than usual.
I’m still pretty sure that I have the ugliest tree topper of anyone I know, but it also comes with so many family memories.
This old plastic Santa topped our family tree forever, and Dad continued to use it long after he and Mom split up, and long after my brother and I left home. Somewhere along the line, way back when, the bulb slipped forward and burnt the plastic of his eye, giving him his namesake black eye.
I think Black-eyed Santa disappeared into a box for some time, and when he resurfaced I claimed him and he now tops our tree every year.
I mean seriously, who else has a Santa tree topper that has a black eye and looks like he’s picking his nose?
That’s just seriously awesome and will always make me laugh.
I ? him…! So special.
I love the retro decorations.