December 10, 2015 – A temporary break in the weather provided downright balmy conditions and a brief window to take in a moment for a photo across the water to Bella Bella after we got back to the Coast Guard site this afternoon, before the light of the day had completely disappeared.
We’ve been transiting the channel twice a day every day this week and it only got a bit lumpy on us once. That’s some pretty good luck given the time of year.
I fly home tomorrow, and I’m exhausted, but in a good way.
There was another debate in the workshop today, but we dealt with it and shelved it when it was no longer being productive. I don’t mind having a debate so long as it stays in context with the conversation at hand and adds to the topic under discussion. If it veers away too far, and for too long, it needs to be put aside for a later time.
I hope for good weather not because foul weather may stop my flight, it shouldn’t, I’m not on a float plane, but because there are a number of people who are participating who have long boat rides to get home to other, more remote, areas of the North/Central Coast, hours from here. I want to feel that they are safe and not at risk as a result of travelling here to spend a week with me.
And while I wait for tomorrow to arrive, I’ll appreciate that I had a chance to see the lights of Bella Bella across the water without the rain for a short bit.
This part of the world has a calm to it, a different pace and a different feel, a bit of peace.
I feel so lucky to have the opportunity to come to places like this to interact with different people from different walks of life. People who have such different life experiences and such different world views because of it.
I like it.