Some things change, and some things remain constant, sort of (190/365)

by The Philosophical Fish

Some things change, and some things remain constant (190/365)

July 9, 2015 – I was out to UBC today for a meeting with an undergraduate thesis student in the Animal Welfare program; she has been corresponding with me for about a year on a research project. She sends extremely detailed, and very long emails to me, and I tend to try to respond in a similar manner. But her latest one last week was complicated and involved trying to describe how she is analyzing video of fish being exposed to euthanizing doses of various anaesthetics. In the end I offered to come out and look at the video footage with her as I thought it might be less complicated. It was a fun meeting with the student and her supervisor and it took me for a little trip down memory lane.

I have a history at UBC spanning, with only a one year break, 26 years.

(Seeing that shocks me!)

I came to UBC as an undergrad in 1989, entering into third year in the short lived Aquacultural Sciences Program. It was an interdisciplinary program that included crossover coursework between Oceanography, Zoology, Botany, Animal Science, Bio-resource Engineering, and probably some others I can’t recall. There was even a couple of months out at Bamfield Marine Station doing some practical summer work and some incredible field time.

When I finished my undergraduate degree in 1991, I went to work in the hobby aquarium industry for a short stint, that was my one year away from UBC.

In 1992 I was accepted into the graduate program in a lab focused on fish physiology, my area of study was immunophysiology as it related to novel vaccines used in aquaculture. I finished my Masters program in 1995 and hung out for a couple of years as a technician in the same lab until I succumbed to amnesia and thought another degree would be a great idea. I equate it to the endorphins that cloud the memories of mothers who have more than one child 😉

I started my PhD in 1998 and finished that monster up in 2004.

I am still associated with UBC, although I don’t go out there that often anymore. Around 1994 I started teaching a couple of Distance Education courses and over the years took them from paper based correspondence classes to online classes that provide far greater feedback and interaction with students. Somewhere in there I took on a third course, even though I was teaching at another educational institution full time.

Even though I have never had an interest in being a full time faculty member at UBC, 21 years later I am still teaching Distance Education courses for the University. I guess that’s kinda cool.

And over all of those years, so many things have changed so significantly, just look at that 18 storey tower being built behind my old building, on the spot I used to park!

….and yet the iconic “E” remains….

The cairn sits on the grassy boulevard outside the building I spent so many years doing my graduate work in. It is the Engineer’s mark on the University, although many other students from different faculties regularly repaint it with their own letter. Today I could see that it had been freshly repainted, although I could still faintly see a “B” outlined.

Ah…good for them…I am going to assume it was Biology students that defaced it. Well done!

I have seen the cairn in so many states. I’ve seen it painted with a blue “N” (Nursing), a green “B” (Biology), and many times it’s been the letter “F” for Forestry. I’ve seen a naked student bound to it with silver duct tape. And I’ve seen it reduced to rubble and rebuilt promptly.

So to make a visit to my Alma Mater and see this familiar structure among all of the new construction makes me smile and feel at home.

It’s like an old friend.

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konstantin.tilberg July 10, 2015 - 3:15 am

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Carol Davidson July 10, 2015 - 3:59 am

The way UBC has changed with all the new construction, that cairn is an important landmark! I liked seeing it in all of its incarnations on my way to Macmillan, each time I laughed at the creativity of the other faculties. I think they even set it on fire once, to burn off all of the layers of paint. The best was the year the Mile “0” marker from Fort St John was set up next to it, on the first day of classes.

Paige Ackerman July 10, 2015 - 4:23 am

It’s odd, but after 26 (!!!) years of time at UBC, that cairn is like an old friend.

Paige Ackerman July 10, 2015 - 4:31 am

Kim, do you have that photo? You know the one….David in a dress….me being attacked by him…a man in a dress….?

Kim Currie July 10, 2015 - 4:31 am

I have pictures from the reconstruction of the E. It has a special place in my university experience.

Paige Ackerman July 10, 2015 - 4:32 am

Cool…but how about those other pictures… 🙂

Kim Currie July 10, 2015 - 4:33 am

Oh I think I even have a picture of you with a creatively dressed fellow Chem Eng student.

Paige Ackerman July 10, 2015 - 4:34 am

Yeah, that’s the one I’m looking for 🙂

Kim Currie July 10, 2015 - 4:35 am

I think it’s in a box downstairs. Do you really want it? I can try to find it.

Paige Ackerman July 10, 2015 - 4:36 am

YES! I really want it!!!

Kim Currie July 10, 2015 - 4:38 am

Hmm. Your enthusiasm leads to me ask, “Does he want you to have it?”. LOL!

Paige Ackerman July 10, 2015 - 4:39 am

Probably not. But a couple of glasses of wine make me want it even more 😉 They are coming out to visit next week. I suppose that combined with my visit to campus today make me nostalgic

Kim Currie July 10, 2015 - 4:45 am

Both of them are coming out?!?!? He’s such a goof, he never tells me anything. Maybe I should send a copy to you.

Paige Ackerman July 10, 2015 - 4:52 am

Please do! They are up in PG for a wedding and stopping through for a couple of days on their way home.

You should come to Van to harass….. I wish I had a third bedroom….though I do have a pull out couch…which you are welcome to

Marne Birch July 10, 2015 - 11:47 pm

In my defence Kim…I did tell him to let you know…..but you know how he is….and goof isn’t the word I would use. 🙂

Ross Bligh July 10, 2015 - 5:35 am

We tarred and feathered it in the middle of the night once. And yes, there was alcohol involved!

Paige Ackerman July 10, 2015 - 3:38 pm

Shocking!! 😉

Carol Davidson July 10, 2015 - 5:38 am

My oldest UBC friend is Main Library – I spent 4 years working there, getting to know it’s many spooky nooks and crannies. I rarely studied there, it’s probably why it has good memories! (Woodward? Not so much!)

Paige Ackerman July 10, 2015 - 3:42 pm

Main Library is not what it used to be. All of those spooky nooks and crannies you loved, and which made it such an awesome library with its low ceilings, dark corners, and weird dead end corners, are gone in the renovations done about ten+ years ago.

Carol Davidson July 10, 2015 - 3:45 pm

I briefly went in about 3 years ago, and it was unrecognisable for sure, but in a good way. A grand old building once again.

Paige Ackerman July 10, 2015 - 3:47 pm

’tis true, it is a jewel on the campus.

Peter.Bartlett July 14, 2015 - 10:58 am

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