June 25, 2015 – Today is what we like to call “First Friday” because tomorrow is my flex day. I work a compressed work week, a little bit extra every day so that I get every other Friday off. And then I use my overtime to catch any other Friday off that I can.
So today was First Friday and that often means pub night. But, since we just got our passes renewed for Grouse Mountain, a trip up to the top of the hill for a drink and a bite to eat while sitting in the sun and looking out over the Lower Mainland and off to Vancouver Island was most definitely in order.
So a gondola ride to the top, a shuffle over to Altitudes Bistro, and we were in heaven, so to speak.
Since there is a downhill roll involved, it was a brief sample of the wine and a conscientious choice to head to the wine shop for a bottle to enjoy at home. At Everything Wine, someone had clearly been bored while waiting and created a little collection of balanced rocks outside the door.
But back to that first photo…can you guess what it is?
Excellent capture, Free 2 Be:))
Thank you…the view was inspiring 😉
This is very cool! No idea, though.
Seen in the 365: The 2015 Edition group
electric razor
ok, that table you are sitting at
Ah…you read the post and looked at the other photo. You’re too darned quick. If I hadn’t included that photo….
..wine and parcheezi table
Potato masher
Kinda looks like that doesn’t it!
It looks just like one we have! It’s always fun to see what your “quiz” items are. 🙂
LOL! Sorry, it was what Hans guessed, the surface of the table I was sitting at up at Grouse. It’s pictured in the photo with the glass of wine. 🙂
Seen in 115 pictures in 2015