April 5, 2015 – I am SO looking forward to this summer!!!
This was an awesome Easter weekend.
And do you know why?
Because Kirk built me an 8′ x 4′ raised bed garden planter!
It took close to two truckloads of soil to fill, and we both hurt from shovelling and raking soil to fill and level it. The rest of the soil filled a few pots and planters and was spread out in one corner of the garden. We will probably need another four or five truckloads to spread on the rest of the garden, and then there is the lawn that we still have to figure out what to do with, it’s such a mess.
But we have a great big bed of soil just waiting for seeds to be planted. I’ve been collecting seed packets over the past year or two, and I finally have somewhere to put them where they might have a fighting chance.
Four kinds of carrots, a squash or two, radishes, kale, lettuce, beets, tomatoes, swiss chard, some of the more tender herbs….
What else can I plant…what else can I grow?
Oh yes…definitely excited!
[https://www.flickr.com/photos/muffett68] West Coast vs East Coast seeds? Although West Coast Seeds is the company name, the seeds they sell have been cultivated for tolerance to our sometimes overly wet conditions (we dub ourselves the "Wet" Coast) compared to the usually drier conditions on the East Coast….so perhaps that’s a "yes"? :)[httwww.flickr.com/photos/muffett68]