44-52-2014: Happy Halloween

by The Philosophical Fish

44-52-2014: Happy Halloween

October 31, 2014 – Hard to believe we’ve been in our new place for one year now. On Halloween 2013 we got the keys to our dream home in a part of town we’d always loved and assumed we’d never be able to afford to live. Odd happenings, chances that worked out, a lot of diligence, and some hard work made it happen and a year later, we are even more thrilled to be here.

We’ve done a good chunk of the renovations we have planned, still lots left to do, but we almost have the main floor of our dreams, and then some.

So even though we moved in on Halloween last year, this was our first Halloween here. Disappointingly, all the kids went to the Village, though I would have too if I was looking for candy. I guess we are a little far from the Village, and it’s a little dark on our corner. That means I have a whole bunch of candy that has to go to the office for others to ingest. I don’t want it here!

Lots of fireworks in the neighbourhood though. Living in a very family oriented area means lots of excitement for kids young and old.

So a year later, and still so happy to be here, and laughing at our first jack-o-lantern here.

Happy Halloween everyone!

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"Daz" November 3, 2014 - 6:24 pm

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