February 9, 2014 – It’s not really out of the ordinary to get some cold weather in Vancouver, though you wouldn’t believe that by speaking with Vancouverites. We usually do see some sub-zero weather early in the year, and this year we’ve had a couple of cold snaps, nothing long or really extreme, but not enough snow to make me happy.
It’s actually a bit laughable though. When they say that Vancouver is under extreme cold, and that we broke a cold weather record that stood 66 years for February 6th. . . . you have to take it with a grain of salt. . . . road salt perhaps, but still salt. That record was -7.6C and we hit -8.4C.
It’s hard to take that seriously when you consider the bitter cold that other areas of the country have been suffering under.
We are told that there will be snow tonight, through Monday, and into Tuesday. Although that thrills me, because I really, really like snow, most everyone I encounter says the same thing “I like snow, on the mountains where it belongs.”
We’ve had such a fabulous run of good weather since last summer. Much less rain than average, much more sunshine. And when the cold comes in it usually means lovely blue skies and crystal clear air. I’m all about that. Just put on another sweater, maybe grab a scarf, and get out there are enjoy it.
Because the rain is coming back.
Although we do desperately need the rain this year.
Ah so you have had less than your fair share of rain………and we have picked it up. Time you took it back!!!!
Ah so you have had less than your fair share of rain………and we have picked it up. Time you took it back!!!!