January 5, 2014 – Today is the last day of two weeks off, back to work tomorrow. It was a great holiday, we stayed home and tried to catch up on things. We organized stuff in the new place, and we enjoyed a quiet Christmas season together.
But now 2014 is five days in, and there are loads of things to do.
Kirk washed 27 windows inside and out. Sounds like a lot, right? Let’s just say that’s about half of what needs cleaning…. We have a lot of windows now…
Well, usually at the start of a new year I tend to purge stuff. I hate clutter, and I can’t stand having stuff around if it isn’t being used. So I usually clear out old clothes, old dishes, old books, old sheets and towels, whatever. I give a great deal to the local charities in January. The problem this year is that I couldn’t find much to give away since we had just moved, and nothing acts as a great cleanser than a move.
Since several cans of paint have been sitting in the garage waiting for us to get started, I finally grabbed the bedroom paint and gave it a fresh coat.
When we first looked at the new home, I was a bit surprised anyone would paint the master bedroom black. But I have to admit that it’s grown on me and it works. It’s not totally black, the two main walls are white, and I suppose that, plus the white trim and the white doors, makes it appealing.
So regardless of the fact that I love black, if anyone had ever told me I’d ever paint a bedroom black, I’d have said they were nuts. But, a trip to General Paints and a gallon of “Crow’s Head” later, a fresh coat of black is on and the room looks much better now that the previous owners terrible paint job of black over still-showing-through-eggplant, is remedied and looks a tidy sight better.
Ever notice how when you accomplish something like that, you just want to keep going? We also have a couple of gallons of paint to repaint the stairway walls. There wasn’t anything particularly wrong with the colour there, but when we had a large piece of furniture moved upstairs, it barely fit and we told the movers to go ahead and damage the walls if they could get it up there, so they did, and now we have to repaint it.
But a 16 foot ceiling can dampen your resolve when all you have handy is a small step ladder.
So that will have to wait.
In the meantime, I’ve decided to do another 52 Weeks project, and supplement it with the 114 photos in 2013 Scavenger Challenge.
Photos? I’m curious to see what it looks like.
I have a suggestion, why don’t you come see it in person 😉
Hardy har har. It’s so cold here I bet the plane won’t start. 🙂
LOL! I was just about to come to your FB page and comment after seeing the weather report for your neck of the woods. OUCH!
Well done!
Well done!
Seen in my contacts’ photos. (?)
They also added this photo to their favourites
Seen in my contacts’ photos. (?)
They also added this photo to their favourites