The Deal is Done!

by The Philosophical Fish

December 30, 2013 – It’s done. The keys have been handed off to our real estate agent, and she met them shortly after to hand off the keys. It’s a day early, but both parties have done the legal steps, monies have made it halfway and will come to our account tomorrow. A chapter of our lives has ended and it’s strange to know we can’t ever go back to the condo again. It isn’t ours anymore.

But I did use the to-do list today to catch a few shots of what the day entailed and meet one of the 113 challenges. And I caught a couple of others. Not great shots, but when you hit the last two days you get what you can.


We stopped at the lawyers this morning to sign the final papers, and then realized we hadn’t done the paperwork to stop the District tax payments. We tried the District office, but the finance office was closed today. We filled in the requisite papers and were told the payment would probably go through.

We had to stop at the bank to order some new cheques with the new address, and Kirk suggested a stop payment on the monthly debit as a backup. So we set that in place too.

We then stopped by the condo one last time to see if some mystery keys happened to be for the alarm panel – they were. And then we said a final goodbye to our home for the past 20 years.

We went for brunch and toasted a pretty fabulous end to a roller coaster of a year.

113 in 2013: #100 – Make a Picture Collage of your day (at least 4 pictures in one frame)

Balloons, Where the heck do you find balloons at this time of year!?! In the window of the Balloonery apparently.

113 in 2013: #88 – Balloon(s)

And just a couple of doors down, pastel things in a children’s store. The best I could do, pastels aren’t my thing.

113 in 2013: 110 – Pastel Colours

Wouldn’t you know it. I spent so many years getting the condo garden where I was happy with it, and then had decided that wherever we moved we wouldn’t have a garden of any sort. So I needed the space and donated all my garden books.

And then we bought a place with a yard!

So off to the library for some books and some new ideas on where to go with this property.

113 in 2013: #75 – Something Borrowed

And finally, scruffy? The only thing I could think of was a mutt of some sort. But all we have are cats and it hardly seemed appropriate to drive around looking for someone with a scruffy dog and ask if we could take a photo of it.

“Why do you want a picture of my dog?”

“Because I have a challenge to find a scruffy looking thing and your dog fits the bill.”

Didn’t think that would win me any friends.

But I do have a pretty scruffy looking plant out front, so again, at this stage of the game, you get what you can…

113 in 2013: #66 – Scruffy

Final two tomorrow….!!!

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Doug Aj Ackerman December 30, 2013 - 6:03 pm

Job well done Cuz! I have thoroughly enjoyed yur ramblings , can we expect more in ’14?

TheFairView December 31, 2013 - 2:55 am

That’s a pretty momentous collage! Congratulations.

TheFairView December 31, 2013 - 2:55 am

That’s a pretty momentous collage! Congratulations.

nickydegirolamo December 31, 2013 - 8:36 pm

Added this photo to their favorites

Katie-Rose December 31, 2013 - 11:03 pm


They also added this photo to their favourites

Katie-Rose December 31, 2013 - 11:03 pm


They also added this photo to their favourites

Paige Ackerman December 31, 2013 - 6:09 pm

Of course! You don’t seriously think I’d stop rambling do you? I’m an Ackerman! 😉

Doug Aj Ackerman December 31, 2013 - 6:13 pm

How stupid of me!!! Hope you guys have a Great night and a New Year worthy of two great people!!!!

Paige Ackerman December 31, 2013 - 6:15 pm

And the same back to you ‘cuz. Wishing you everything that wonderful encompasses.
