December 26, 2013 – I sifted through photos that I had taken and posted earlier in the year, but hadn’t checked for suitability for the 113 project. And I found quite a number that fit challenges.
So here is another batch of catchup images from this year.
This silly stubby beer bottle, circa 1980, has now lived in at least four or more fridges. It started in some liquor store 30+ years ago, then moved to my Grandparents basement beer fridge. It languished there for many years, in some dark corner of the fridge. Over time it became an icon and no one would drink it. The fridge would be opened, and if it was the only beer, the fridge was declared empty and in need of restocking.
When we cleaned out my Granny’s home we found it and, for a lark, took it home to Vancouver. It moved into our condo fridge, and eventually moved into a shiny new fridge when we renovated the kitchen.
We have recently moved to a new home, and the stubby is in a fridge probably as old as it is. But soon we will renovate again and the stubby will have another shiny new home in which to live out its days.
113 in 2013 – #105 In Your Fridge
We stopped in at the hardware store this afternoon, we were looking for deals on more Christmas lights for next year. The car next to ours int he parking lot had a very nervous pup in the back seat, and he watched me with caution, frozen, and obviously hoping that I couldn’t really see him through the window.
113 in 2013: #46 A Pet
113 in 2013 – #34: Rust/Rusty
How is one to know if one is late for a flight? Seems appropriate for a Monday!
113 in 2013: #34 – Monday
My favourite toy 😉
113 in 2013: #58 – Plaything or toy
A chum salmon just slips out of my frame
113 in 2013: #53 – Long exposure
A replica of a historical float plane looks ready to take off into the distance. Found this at Shearwater, BC, just around the corner from Bella Bella.
113 in 2013: #38 – Art
Sadly, these eggs won’t be producing any fry since they didn’t make it into the bucket for fertilization.
113 in 2013 – #45 – Out of place
113 in 2013: #47 – Rainbow
Another gorgeous clear day to admire and enjoy.
113 in 2013 – #24: Lens flare
113 in 2013 – #1: Welcome
It seems sad, but it’s not. This is how nature brings nutrients from the ocean to the terrestrial environment. It’s part of the natural cycle of life.
113 in 2013 – #19: Depressing or sorrowful
113 in 2013: #94 – lines
113 in 2013: #99 – Somewhere to sit
113 in 2013: #17 – Alcohol
Kirk pointed out to me, after taking this photo, that I seem to be able to get police to pose for me on a fairly regular basis.
113 in 2013: #90 – Equine
113 in 2013: #7 – Arch or Archway
Green Lake is such a pretty body of water on the Pemberton side of Whistler. Oh, and surrounded by multi-million dollar homes too. Someone here was commuting to Vancouver the low stress way 😉
113 in 2013: # 85 – Turquoise
At home marking today, and Loki has been a giant flying squirrel for part of the day. But now he’s worn himself out and has found a warm place, above my computer monitor, to reenergize.
As cute as he is, the back leg hanging down in front of my screen is a bit annoying!
113 in 2013: #86 – Whiskers
Seen in my contacts’ photos. (?)
They also added this photo to their favourites
Seen in my contacts’ photos. (?)
They also added this photo to their favourites