December 1, 2013 – Sometimes some things in life are like a ball of twine that you can’t ever find the end to. And that’s not always a bad thing, because you never know what the next layer will uncover.
I think our new home will be like that.
This past week was busy. Our new dresser arrived, and out night tables did too. So we were able to finally get the bedroom pretty much completely organized. Kirk installed a new front light.
I tore out the rest of the plants in the courtyard garden and put all our fabulous potted plants from the condo in the ground. A lion’s mane Japanese maple, a waterfall maple, two windmill palms, three azaleas, and a nice lily turf grass. It all looks so much better than the two bamboos and a few ratty grasses that the former owner had in there.
Then I stupidly took a scraper to the front tile since someone painted the red tiles with a yucky blue-grey paint, and it was starting to peel up.
Ever start a project that you really shouldn’t have?
Yeah, the front tile was one of those projects.
I put some stripping solution on it, then we went to the condo and filled holes and touched up paint before running back to the new place to meet the other owners for the AGM. Shortest AGM we’ve ever attended. Four units, no issues, given our share of the insurance bill, exchanged Christmas gifts, and done.
20 minutes.
Now that’s how to have an annual general meeting!
The other three owners are all great people, no infighting, no strange expectations. We share a centre wall, an insurance bill, a tax bill, and a water bill. It’s as close as one can come to having a detached house as one can come, without actually being fully detached. It’s also interesting to see what has been done in the other units. So far we’ve only been in one other, but the fellow who lives behind us, and who used to own this unit, has invited us to see how their place has been renovated. Looking forward to getting some ideas for the future here.
Then it was back home and grab a couple of scrapers to try and peel as much paint off as we could.
A ball of never ending twine, I think that is a good metaphor for the projects that this place will offer us in the years ahead.
I also realized that with today being December 1st, I am rapidly running out of time to finish my 113 project, and I have a long way to go. So I am perhaps cheating here, but I am going to use this photo for both challenges since twine was also one of the items to photograph in that group.
#78 – Rope, string, or twine
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umm, more twine?
Might be something else hidden in there you know!
I thought it was like a box of chocolates….
That’s too hard on the hips though
So is tap dancing.
Personal experience?
My close friend, Sammy Davis Junior, had bad hips. Hard on your knees, too. He had to hire someone to strip paint off his tiles as a result. Weird coincidence, huh?
If the string is broken…never the twine shall meet? 😛
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