September 28, 2013 – We have such short and fickle memories when it comes to the weather. The first real weather system of the season rolled in today and the rains have fluctuated between nothing and monsoon strength. But we forget that we had the most amazingly fabulous summer this year. But the second those rains arrive people start muttering about having to get out of here and go someplace sunny. It’s funny.
When the rains roll in I like to snuggle in with a good cup of tea, a cat or two, and take the opportunity to hang out indoors and catch up on some photo editing. I’ve managed to get behind on my 113 photo scavenger challenge, though I do have a number of photos to add to the pool, so rather than a single post for each, I thought I’d combine a few here instead. All of these came from my recent trip up to the central coast where I spent a few days working in Bella Cools and Bella Bella.
During the days in Bella Coola I went out on the Atnarko River with one of the hatchery crews. We were gill-netting for Chinook on the Lower River, aiming to capture ripe fish to take eggs and milt to take back to the hatchery for fertilization, incubation, early rearing, and eventual release back to the river to enhance the struggling population. While on the river we encountered several grizzly bears. This sow was an unknown bear and she had two cubs in tow, hidden in the bush until she’d decided what we were all about. She was unsure of us, and we were certainly respectful of her space.
Rip-Torn, as he has been named by the crew, is a big boar and he is estimated to weigh about 700-800 lbs. Though no one has actually asked him to step on a scale. By the time winter rolls around and he is ready for hibernation he will probably have put on another 100 – 200 lbs of body stores to make it through the sleeping winter fast. To that end, he circled around us from below in the river, to the bank above where we had discarded the carcasses of the salmon that we had stripped of gametes.
(More grizzly shots here –> Grizzlies on the Atnarko)
In Bella Bella I stayed at the Coast Guard/DFO station. A pretty nice place with a pretty spectacular view. The station is located on Denny Island in Old Bella Bella, across from the current community of Bella Bella and around the corner from Shearwater. Not a bad view for Friday the Thirteenth, good thing I’m not superstitious. 🙂
#95 – Bad Weather
The next morning dawned cool and foggy and the world seemed as if it had been wrapped in a blanket. I’ve always loved fog, unless I am in a boat and underway, that’s just frightening. And I’ve been there a few times. Not fun. Even in these days of GPS navigation, fog is so disorienting that you can find yourself failing to believe your instruments. We piled into Sandie’s boat and flicked on the GPS, and slowly, ever so slowly, found our way across the channel to the community of Bella Bella where we were to help set up and man the booth for the Community Salmon Festival.
In the not-too-distant future there is a sailboat waiting to come into our lives. We have been power boaters for the past 15 years, and our boat is currently up for sale. Boats are a pain to sell, but that’s OK because we aren’t really completely ready for the new one yet anyway. But after a few days up on the Central coast, Oh I was dreaming again…. One can’t know what the future holds for certain, but I am pretty sure that one of these is in the cards.
In preparation for the afternoon festivities at the Bella Bella salmon festival, a First Nations woman weaves a butterflied chum salmon onto a wooden stake before setting it up next to the fire for cooking.
Does it get any better than this? Chum salmon caught yesterday, held on ice overnight, woven onto cedar stakes, and BBQ’d around an open fire on the shores of the Pacific Ocean in Bella Bella, in the sun after the morning fog finally vacates the area!
Can’t beat that for lunch.
While we were waiting for the fog to lift so that our plane could land to take us back to Vancouver, we went for a walk around the community of Bella Bella. This shy dog was peering at me from the safety of his home, peeking out from behind the door.
And not to leave out the local cats, though there were definitely fewer. This fellow was the resident airport cat and his name was “Toaster”. I don’t know why, perhaps he likes to toast in the sunshine as he was doing here. Regardless, he was personable and friendly.
It was a great trip and I was glad to get back up into the area, the last time I was up was 2008. I was even happier that I was lucky enough to get great weather, it’s always touch and go at this time of year.
The rest of the Bella Coola/Bella Bella photo-set can be found here –> Bella Coola / Bella Bella 2013
Well, that was a quick little catch up, now to go back farther and drag some out of the trip to PG in the Spring….
They also added this photo to their favourites
They also added this photo to their favourites