Humans have such fragile egos. Why do so many people need to attach a label, have such a need for titles? It goes both ways too. Some people have to label everything and everyone, seems that they need to know where everyone fits on a sliding scale of some sort. So many have some deep seated need to distinguish themselves above others.
I was thinking about this in the afternoon because I wandered through the mall today at lunch and encountered a conversation that struck me. As I was looking through a shop I heard a salesgirl speaking to a customer “Oh, the part time staff are the ‘fashion specialists’, I am a (something – didn’t catch it) manager…”
Sure, some might say it’s easy for me to criticize people for wanting titles, I have an academic title. But I don’t use it in normal circles. Heck, I barely use it in professional circles. When anyone calls me Dr. I quickly correct them “I’m just Paige, please.” When my students call me Professor, I reply to the email with my name, no title attached. They usually catch on fairly quickly that they don’t need to use the title.
I will admit to having used it when someone irritated me. Some time back there was a man who called my home and left a message looking to take a VHF radio course that I teach. He left a message and left his name as Dr. So and So. When I called back and left a message I couldn’t help but do the same back to him. When he called back he used his first name and so did I. Point made.
Leave the pretension at the door please.
I’m not impressed by titles, I’m impressed by how you treat others.
It’s like when I see resumes. People really get creative with their pedigrees, don’t they? I’ve had a few people send me their CVs and they refer to their MSc time as being a Research Scientist. Give me a break. You were a graduate student, just like I was, and that’s what mine says – Graduate Research – not Research Immunophysiologist, not Stress Physiologist. Get over trying to impress others and just try being truthful, it goes farther.
The people I know and consider researchers are just that, career researchers with grants and labs and students of their own, or faculty who do research on the side when they can. But the point is that they are directing their own investigations and following their curiosity, and it’s their main focus, their job.
While the guy who forwarded his CV to me probably did do research, he was learning, he was a student, he wasn’t a “capital R” Researcher as his CV would lead someone, without a similar background, to believe.
So do people really think society won’t respect them or take them seriously unless they blow up their credentials into twisted truths? I’d like to think that’s not true. Sure, there are probably bigger egos out there, but is it intelligent to try and outcompete them in their personal inflation?
I am more attracted to the person who doesn’t fling hollow titles in my face in an attempt to impress. I am more impressed with understatements. When you get caught in a personal exaggeration, however it is justified, instead of looking smart, you just look dumb. Why can’t you be happy with who you are and accept yourself rather than have a need to tart yourself up with fancy titles that don’t mean much to those in the know.
Maybe if we stop judging ourselves and our accomplishments agains those of others, we wouldn’t need to get hung up on the pretentiousness of titles. Why should a fancy title or a fictitious job description make people feel better about themselves?
I find that sort of sad.
113 photographs in 2013 – #79 – Clashing Colours
It’s loading fast now but the page won’t rotate from Portrait to landscape on my iPhone anyhow. Huge loading improvement though!
Good to know, I installed a caching plugin that is supposed to improve performance. I’ll have to check the rotation thing on my own iPhone and see what’s up with that.
Thanks for the input!
For what it’s worth, it loads almost the same speed on a BlackBerry Z10 as on my desktop. First time there, so nothing is cached. Rotates perfectly.
I was going to mention it’s loading faster…probably just a difference of a second or even less, but we humans are such an impatient lot. 🙂
Weird, rotates on my iPhone.
As for impatience, yes, aren’t we tho’! That which Kirk will wait for I am ready to throw against the wall. Thus anything that requires fixing is quickly taken out of my hands 🙂
He even sews my buttons on when they fall off… he knows (from 27 years of living together) that I will quickly turn the thread into a knotted ball that cannot be salvaged and will turn into a raving bitch in 4 seconds flat.
So when a button falls off, he just nips everything in the bud and asks me to get a needle and thread.
Patience, not something I was gifted with, LOL!
I am truly pathetic, aren’t I?
Grocery shopping usually turns me into a raving bitch…yet Dave still takes me. 🙂
He wouldn’t have any food in the house if he didn’t 😉
Yet another reason I didn’t have children
Well, that post went sideways quickly, didn’t it!
Don’t they all?
Depends who’s online, but not far off the mark 🙂