July 7, 2013 – We all fall into the trap of wallowing in negativity from time to time, but have you ever thought much about how we interact with each other and what makes us want to do something or not? And have you ever noticed that something can happen and two people can see it so differently?
I suppose it’s the glass half full vs half empty thing. They are two spins on the same thing…
1. A species of whale not observed in BC waters for close to 60 years was seen off the coast, let’s celebrate and take heart that we have been making some strides in a forward manner towards helping species at risk.
2. A species of whale not observed in BC waters for close to 60 years was seen off the coast, reason enough to close down every business associated with the ocean.
One makes you think about things in a positive manner and look for ways to help the species out. It brings focus and attention to something worth saving. It makes people think about the fragile nature of the environment and the incredible creatures within it that can stay hidden from our sight for decades.
One uses negative reinforcement to make us all ashamed of our very existence and the things we take for granted.
Which one will be more effective at making people think differently? Which one is more likely to effect, even a minor, change?
Positive reinforcement is always more effective. Negativity just makes people uncomfortable and practice avoidance.
Positivity makes people feel good about change, negativity makes people feel bad about who they are and what they do and gets their backs up.
Want to make people feel positive about making change in their lives and how they interact with the world?
Be positive in your approach.
Easy, right?
Not always.
For some reason humans tend to become more negative as they get older, it takes more work to find the positive spin, it’s just easier to see the bad over the good, to focus on the negative rather than the positive, to lay blame rather than learn from a situation and find a solution or move forward.
It takes work to be positive, but the obvious benefit is that while people may agree with you in negativity on some things, you will generally attract more useful energy when you are positive in your approach.
Wade Boggs