August 29, 2012 – What do you do when you can’t get out on the water?
House sitter all set up and ready to go? – Check!
Route roughly planned? – Check!
Evening entertainment scoped out? – Check!
Hotels booked? – Check!
Made a few tweaks to the route, particularly when we discovered that a big chunk of an otherwise supposedly fabulous road we’d planned on is gravel! Strike that stretch off and re-route a bit. Vancouver, Winthrop, Wenatchee, Leavenworth, and then back around to the ocean and up home.
When I was out in Chilliwack yesterday I was chatting with one of the staff there, a fellow who’s been riding longer than I’ve been alive and just returned from a 3500km ride to California. He made a few suggestions based on a lifetime of touring, and some local knowledge regarding the end of a stretch of summer entertainment in a town we hadn’t intended on reaching. So with those suggestions, and the scratching off of a stretch of intended route, we looked a little farther east and decided to extend out as far as Grand Coulee for our farthest point. Kelly’s advice checked out and Saturday is the last night of open air live bands and the laser light show on the Grand Coulee Dam. Sounded like a good enough excuse to make the trek.
We each have a chiropractic appointment tomorrow, but I’ll be packing lots of pain killers too. We booked hotels with hot tubs, I imagine we will need them. Somethings are worth a bit of pain.
I’ve been wanting to do the North Cascades for a couple of years, so this should be fun! Looking forward to it!
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