August 27, 2012 – Nothing much to say today. Quiet day, half of the staff is off on holidays, and half of the rest of us are either out in, or planning to get out into, the field.
Standing joke between Kirk and I that I generally try to make sure my office job includes as little “office” time as I can manage. I like working with fish, I like being outside in the field, and therefore I love my job because it affords me the opportunity to include as much field time as I want. So halfway through the day I received an email with the egg take dates for one of our facilities in the Lower Fraser area and one date was for tomorrow. I mulled it over for a moment, then called over to the woman in the next desk “Hey, Jenny, want to go out to Chilliwack for an egg take tomorrow?”
The answer was affirmative since she is only just back from a year off for maternity leave and trying to get back into the swing of things. And for me, I was trying to figure out how to not be in the office for four days straight this week.
Mission accomplished!
Off to spawn some Chinook tomorrow!
Lots of field work on the calendar for the next couple of months, and in particular the next three weeks have really booked up with field work and travel. A few trips to the Island for several days each, a number of local trips since I have been asked to do tissue sampling for some disease screening. It means long hours, and late days because of the travel time, but if I am hands on with fish, I am a happy camper. The next two months are filling up fast, there will be little time for much else!
Managed a good workout in the gym today, we went for a nice walk before dinner, had a lovely BBQ salmon dinner tonight, and now I am looking forward to a day out working hands on with fish tomorrow, always a plus.
So the title is totally tongue in cheek, not really tired at all – yet. Ask me at the end of December and I may have something else to say.
Oh boo….bad pun! 🙂
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