August 26, 2012 – I think we spend too much time expending energy on the things we think we want, merely because we think we want what others have. Will those things make us happy? Probably not. Happiness is something that comes from within, not from acquisitions or achievements. It’s a state of mind, and it stems from contentment. But contentment doesn’t necessarily mean sitting still.
Life isn’t about achievements. It isn’t about winning or losing. It’s not about comparing yourself to others. It’s about moving forward. It’s about opening doors that you may be afraid to open. It’s about opening yourself to the potential for failure, and celebrating the mistakes that have provided learning opportunities. It’s about celebrating where you are now, and what lies ahead, unopened doors and the adventures that they will bring. Sometimes those adventures are terrifying – it’s easy to stay in the comfort zone and assume that standing still in safe place will bring happiness. It’s harder to open a new door and explore what lies on the other side – the unknown – the unsafe. But the results, whatever they may be, can be a fabulous and fun filled experience.
One of the things a friend said to me many years ago when I was embarking on a scary new life adventure was “Do one thing every day that terrifies you.” It is stolen from an Eleanor Roosevelt quotation, and it is echoed in Bas Luhrman’s “Sunscreen”, and maybe it is from somewhere else before their times, regardless it’s a great key to living an adventurous life.
What doors await you, and what adventures might you find on the other side? Fear doesn’t mean that you have to keep the locks engaged.
“Failure is the key to success; each mistake teaches us something.” ~ Morihei Ueshiba
I love old keys!
Me too!
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